Thursday, December 27, 2012

Ken - "They showed me..."

Ken: They showed me where the gardening club is. Come on, I'll show you, it's through the schoolyard on the right.
A. (Follow Ken)
Ken: Here we are, it's through the schoolyard on the right! But do you know what we're supposed to be doing?
A. Umm...

A. We should split up ant try to manage each on his own.
B. I think you have to go and look for plants, in the forest!
C. We'll have a look around, ok? There might be something... (Affinity: +6) [ends]

Ken - "Do you know..."

A. Do you know anything about plants? (Affinity: +11) [ends]
B. Do you at least know anyone in the gardening club?
C. Why did you chose the gardening club? (Affinity: -5) [ends]


Ken - "Excellent, I can't wait!"

Ken: Excellent, I can't wait!

A. Do you know what we're actually supposed to do at the gardening club? And where is it anyway?

Correction: ", anyways?"

Ken: I've got no idea...I'll go find out, ok?

A. (Keep talking to Ken)

B. (Leave)


Ken - "That's great..."

Ken: That's great, we can garden to together then!

A. Yeah, I'm sure we're going to have fun. (Affinity: +11)

B. I think I'm going to ask the principal if I can change. ..

C. But I'm not going to garden with you!

Corrections: " together..." "...change..."


Ken - "Ken, are you..." (User-Initiated) (Gardening)

A. Ken, are you supposed to help out in a club too?

Comma should be after "club".

Ken: Yes! The I'm sure that you chose the gardening club, just like me, right?

B. Uh...Unfortunately, yes I did.

C. Well...If I had known I would have chosen the basketball club.
