Sunday, July 1, 2012

Nathaniel: "Thank you very much, I have..."

Nathaniel: I think I've helped you out since you got here, haven't I? I need to get Castiel to sign this absentee note, and frankly, the less I see of him, the better. Could you get him to sign it and bring it back to me please?
Nathaniel: Thank you very much, I have an absentee note that Castiel needs to sign, and frankly the less I see of him, the better. Can you get him to sign it and bring it back to me please?
Nathaniel: Well I have an absentee note that Castiel needs to sign, and frankly the less I see of him, the better. Can you get him to sign it and bring it back to me please?

A. That's your job isn't it? But ok, I guess if I'm supposed to be at the service of the student body president... (Affinity: -4) [ends]

B. Ok, no problem. (Affinity: +0) [ends]

C. Castiel? ...He's not easy to get along with, but I'll try my best... (Affinity: +4) [ends]

Correction: Can you get him to sign it and bring it back to me, please?
Well, I have an absentee note that Castiel needs to sign, and frankly, the less I see of him, the better.


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