April 25, 2014: I have decided to cut down on images. The images aren't the main point of this blog, plus there are tons of issues with loading, and hosting.
My Candy Love/ Amour Sucré is copyrighted by Beemoov Games. This blog is purely fan-made and is not for profit.
Feedback is welcome. List of contributors.
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Castiel: We walked away from the beach, we passed in front of a few shops. (User-Initiated)
A. We walked away from the beach, we passed in front of a few shops.
Castiel: They make really good Italian ice cream here. You like ice cream right?
A. Yes.
B. No.
Castiel: I'll buy you one, choose what you want.
Castiel: I'll buy you one, choose what you want.
A. It's ok, I can pay myself, that's nice of you tho.
B. Thanks! That's nice of you! [ends] Leads to CG.
Vendor: Do you need something, miss?
Vendor: Do you need something, miss?
A. Yes, do you have any water?
Vendor: Of course! That will be $ 5!
A. Here you are.
Vendor: Thanks! This is for you!
A. (He gave me a little bottle of water)
Vendor: Do you need anything else?
A. No thanks, nothing for now.
B. It depends, what do you have to offer? [ends] Item Obtained: Moustache.
Castiel/Dake: (I still haven't put on my sunscreen... I need to wake up!) (User-Initiated)
A. (I still haven't put on my sunscreen... I need to wake up!)
Dake: What do you have in your hand? Do you want me to put some sunscreen on your back?
A. No! I'll do it myself.
Dake: Come on, don't be shy!
A. Don't touch me!
Castiel: Hey! I think she asked you to leave her alone. So leave her alone!
A. (C-Castiel?)
Dake: Mind your own business, nobody asked you!
A. He's a friend of mine!
Castiel: By "friend", she means the type of guy that could make you regret you were born if you touch me again. Got it?
A. (next)
Dake: Pfff... I thought you were here with a girlfriend, you should have said it was a boy, I wouldn't have wasted my time...
A. (He left without saying another word. It's a good thing Castiel was there!) Thanks Cast...
Castiel: What was that? You let just any guy rub your back? If I hadn't come, what would you have done?
A. (He...He is even angrier now...) I would have managed...Worst case scenario, I know where to hit where it hurts..
Castiel: Next time, start directly with that before trying to make an idiot like that understand you don't want him. Gosh, I always have to keep an eye on you, you are unbelievable.
A. Alright, you don't need to yell at me like that!
B. Castiel... Don't tell me you were jealous?
C. You've had your eye on me since the beginning? (Affinity: +0) [ends] Leads to CG.
Dake: Do you come here often?
Dake: Do you come here often?
A. No, it's my first time. I lived in another city before.
Dake: Oh yeah? I'm not from here either, I'm from Austrailia. I'm here to visit my family. I was happy to come when I found out there was a beach nearby, but there aren't any waves, I brought my board for nothing.
A. Do you like to surf? That's cool!
B. Yeah, that's true, will you go back then? [ends]
Dake: So, tell me what high school you go to so I can register right away!
Dake: So, tell me what high school you go to so I can register right away!
A. I go to Sweet Amoris.
Dake: I didn't know there were girls as cute as you there...It's a shame, it's too far from where I live.
A. Thanks a lot!
B. Was that supposed to be a compliment? (Affinity: -10)
Dake: ...Next time I'll be less subtil.
Dake: ...Next time I'll be less subtil.
A. I was being ironic.
Dake: I figured. And what's your name?
A. NAME (But I don't really care what your name is...) (Affinity: -10) [ends]
B. NAME, and you?
Dake: (My shoulders are a little red, I should have put on sunscreen earlier...) (User-Initiated)
A. (My shoulders are a little red, I should have put on sunscreen earlier...)
???: Hey, Hi! Are you alone?
A. Huh? Oh, hello...right now I am, but I'm about to go join a friend...
???: Forget about your friend! Come with me!
A. Uh...no, it's ok, but thanks anyway... (Affinity: -10) [ends]
B. Well, ok. If you insist...
Demon: WOOF!
Demon: WOOF!
A. Hmm? What is it Demon?
Castiel: He's been eyeing that piece of wood since earlier.
A. Oh! he wants to play with it?
Demon: WOOF!
A. Ah ha... That must mean yes...
Castiel: Throw it in the water.
A. No, you do it, I'm scared of your dog. (Affinity: +0) [ends]
B. Ok! (I throw it as far away as possible!)
Vendor: Did you find your boyfriend Miss?
Vendor: Did you find your boyfriend Miss?
A. Oh! N-No! He's not my boyfriend!
Castiel: I knew I'd have fun if I stayed.
A. Stop smiling like that! It's not funny!
B. Don't make a big deal about it!
C. One more word and I'll push you in the water! (Affinity: +6) [ends]
Castiel: Do you want to do something, cause I'm a little bored.
Castiel: Do you want to do something, cause I'm a little bored.
A. We could go swimming?
Castiel: You dream of seeing me soaked from head to toe, don't you?!
A. Idiot! We are at the beach, it's normal that I though to go swimming! (Affinity: +6) [ends]
B. I mean, what else is there to do at the beach?
C. ...(I prefer not to say anything, it might turn against me later on)
Castiel: Did you catch him?
Castiel: Did you catch him?
A. Yes...I mean, he came all by himself.
Castiel: Not bad! You aren't that useless after all. But I bought all of this for nothing.
A. (You are never happy...)
Castiel: It's odd that he is staying close to you. Usually he doesn't like strangers.
A. Well, he growled quite a bit in the beginning...I think he just doesn't like nicknames.
Castiel: Nicknames? What you called him doggypie? It's not a grandma's poodle!
A. (It wasn't doggypie, but almost...)
Castiel: Alright, well, thanks. It was nice of you to help. See you at school after the vacation.
A. You are leaving already?
Castiel: I told you I wasn't planning on staying very long.
A. Come on please! Stay a bit! I helped you find your dog, you could stay with me a while!
Castiel: You need me, is that it?
A. No! But for once when we can see each other outside of school...
Castiel: Come on...Admit that it's just to look at me in my bathing suit longer.
A. !!! (...what do I say to that?)
Castiel: Well? No comeback? I was right then?
A. Don't think that your dreams have come true. (Affinity: -4) [ends]
B. For the little there is to see...
C. Are you kidding? That has nothing to do with it!
Castiel's Dog: (There he is!)Come here boy! Come here! Without jumping on me please... (User-Initiated)
A. (There he is!)Come here boy! Come here! Without jumping on me please...
A. (Oh and shoot! It's just a dog! He won't eat me!) (Affinity: +0) [ends]
B. (If I try to catch him, he will surely try and bite me...)
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Episode 9
❖Buy the "Swimsuit with purple charms" and put it on.
❖Go for a walk on the beach until you find someone you know.
If your boy is Castiel:
❖Go back to see Castiel and talk with him a little.
❖Keep an eye on Demon until Castiel returns, and try to catch him!
❖Demon came back on his own. Take him and find Castiel on the beach!
❖Find something to occupy Demon with. (There is a stick on the beach. It can appear in different areas of the beach, but try the northeast area.)
❖Find Iris to go swimming with her a bit.
❖Try to find Iris's flip-flop and take it to her. (Find it on the water's edge.)
❖Go buy sunscreen from a vendor. ($30)
❖Go to the beach put sunscreen on before you go swimming.❖Keep an eye on Demon until Castiel returns, and try to catch him!
❖Demon came back on his own. Take him and find Castiel on the beach!
❖Find something to occupy Demon with. (There is a stick on the beach. It can appear in different areas of the beach, but try the northeast area.)
❖Find Iris to go swimming with her a bit.
❖Try to find Iris's flip-flop and take it to her. (Find it on the water's edge.)
❖Go buy sunscreen from a vendor. ($30)
❖Get to know the boy who came up to talk to you.
❖Find Iris to finally go swimming with her
❖Buy a bottle of water from the vendor and give it to Castiel. /!\ To do before the "Swimming with Iris" objective.
❖Go with Castiel to the beach and unlock a final conversation with him.
Castiel: (I'm under the impression that this time I won't see anyone... I'm going to go back with my parents.) (User-Initiated)
A. (I'm under the impression that this time I won't see anyone... I'm going to go back with my parents.)
A. (Hey, whose dog is this...?)
A. (He's.....he's scary!)
Dog: WOOF!
A. (He ran away...Shoot, he scared me. For a minute I thought he was going to jump on me...)
???: AH! You idiot, you couldn't have caught him?!
A. That voice...
Castiel: Oh man! You couldn't have held on to him? I've been running after him forever! Demon! Come here!
A. It's your dog?
Castiel: No, it's my neighbors...of course it's mine! You don't remember? It's Demon, my Beauce Shepherd...You really have a bad memory...
A. (Oh yeah! Now that he's said something I remember...)
Castiel: What a pest...I wanted to take off his collar to let him enjoy the beach and it looks like he's enjoying watching me run after him more...
A. You understand what I felt like when I had to catch the principal's dog then!
Castiel: Yeah, except you can't catch a rocket with a bowl of dog food. In any case, he doesn't eat just anything, and I've got nothing on me.
A. (next)
Castiel: And this guy, when he decides to disobey, it's not easy to get him back. The solution is to catch him when he is close to you, but you weren't even capable...
A. Hey! Don't take your frustration out on me!
B. It's not my fault! You're dog scared me!
C. If anyone's to blame it's you! You should have trained your dog better! (Affinity: -13) [ends]
Castiel: Why don't you...
Castiel: Why don't you drop it, that's all you've done all day, don't you want to do something else for a change?
A. Yeah... you're right.
B. No, I'd really rather study... Leads to CG.
Lysander: You have a certain kind of smile on you, what are you up to?
Lysander: You have a certain kind of smile on you, what are you up to?
A. What? Me? Nothing.
B. Ah ha, it shows that much? (Affinity: +0) [ends]
C. If you don't ask, I won't have to lie.
User - To Take Revenge or Not
A. (So... Amber wants to cheat on the exam. "Her Highness" doesn't want to study like the rest of us.)
A. (I'm going to think of a way to get her back.)
B. (I'm not going to stoop to her level... all that matters is that I get back what I bought to eat.)
User: She said...
A. (She said she wanted to make cheat sheets... I could take them so she wouldn't have them for the exam...)
A. (Yes, what a great idea!) [ends] Unlocks the objective "Find a way to get Amber's cheat sheets."
B. (No, I prefer not to do anything.)
C. (Hmm... I'll try to find something else to do.)
Castiel: Listen... (User-Initiated)
A. Listen, I saw Nathaniel reading a book, and that made me wonder if you like reading too?
Castiel: Haven't you already noticed that I don't like the same things as that guy?
A. Yes, but reading is different.
B. Oh? But I thought you guys were like brothers...
C. Well from what I heard yesterday, it doesn't seem like you guys are all that different! (Affinity: +0)
Castiel: Meaning?
Castiel: Meaning?
A. Nathaniel was a rowdy as you were before...
Castiel: Ah, not wrong there, I wonder how he handles it now. You never see him letting off steam...
A. Maybe he doesn't need to anymore? (Affinity: +0) [ends]
B. How do you let off steam?
Castiel: Have you started studying?
A. Have you started studying?
Castiel: No, isn't it obvious?
A. You should start though...
Castiel: No need to study. But I would've thought that you'd have your nose in your books at the moment.
A. I'm looking for a quiet place so I can do just that.
B. I'd like to, but I can't find a quiet place!
C. Everywhere else is taken, no matter where I look... (Affinity: +0) [ends]
Nathaniel: You never stop studying? (User-Initiated)
A. You never stop studying?
Nathaniel: No, I'm not studying. I'm reading a book.
A. Oh yeah? I'm so used to seeing you studying...
B. Really? What kind of book?
C. Wouldn't you rather do something fun instead of being couped up inside reading? (Affinity: -4)
Nathaniel: That's how I have fun.
Nathaniel: That's how I have fun.
A. Yeah... pretty boring.
Nathaniel: It's not boring. How do you spend your free time then?
A. I go in town, getting air is good for you, you know.
B. I go out, I don't stick around reading when there's a lot of other things to do. (Affinity: -8) [ends]
Lysander: (So Amber told him everything...) (User-Initiated)
A. (So Amber told him everything...)
A. (I'll pretend I don't know anything.)
B. (I'll talk to him about it.) (Affinity: +0) [ends]
Nathaniel: I forgot to ask you, you haven't seen Iris have you? (User-Initiated)
A. I forgot to ask you, you haven't seen Iris have you?
Nathaniel: No sorry. Is she the one who has your notes?
A. Yes, I loaned them to her yesterday.
B. You really pay attention! Yes, she's the one.
C. No, I'm just looking everywhere for her so I can ask her how she's doing today! Of course she's the one who has them! (Affinity: +0)
Nathaniel: I wouldn't have thought that the exams would affect you like that... you're more serious about your studies than you let on, aren't you?
Nathaniel: I wouldn't have thought that the exams would affect you like that... you're more serious about your studies than you let on, aren't you?
A. No, you just get on my nerves, that's all. (Affinity: -4) [ends]
B. Yeah, I'm sorry... I'm a bit on edge, I'm worried about failing my exams...
Lysander: I forgot to ask you. Have you seen Iris? (User-Initiated)
A. I forgot to ask you. Have you seen Iris?
Lysander: She was at the end of the hall looking for something in her locker a while ago. Why?
A. She has notes that I'm missing and I need to read over them again before the exams.
Lysander: You should look for her there then. But she might have moved by now.
A. That doesn't help much... but thanks anyway.
Lysander: You look pretty nervous. If it's about the exams, don't worry. You're a smart girl, I'm sure everything will go fine
A. Thanks...but I'm not nervous, I just a little worried I might not do too well in the exams.
B. That's nice, I don't know how you manage to stay so calm... (Affinity: -10)
C. I know I'm intelligent, you don't need to remind me.
Lysander: Do you mean to say you think I never show any emotions?
Lysander: Do you mean to say you think I never show any emotions?
A. That's not what I meant at all, sorry. (Affinity: -5) [ends]
B. Well, that's not entirely false is it?
Castiel: So are you ready for the exams?
Castiel: So are you ready for the exams?
A. Yeah, I guess.
Castiel: Relax, it's only a quarter exam, it won't be the end of the world if you don't do great on it.
A. I still prefer not to bomb it.
B. Yeah that's true... I shouldn't get so worried.
C. Shhh! Stop talking, I need to concentrate on what I studied yesterday! (Affinity: +0) [ends]
Monday, May 19, 2014
Nathaniel: So, did you study last night?
Nathaniel: So, did you study last night?
A. Yes, but I didn't have all my notes with me...
Nathaniel: If you had studied all along as you're supposed to, you'd only have to go through the notes you were missing to know everything. It works for me anyway.
A. I know, but that's if I could get my hands on them...
B. I wasn't always paying attention in class though...
C. Not everyone is a nerd like you! (Affinity: +0)
Nathaniel: Not everyone gets the same grades as I do either.
Nathaniel: Not everyone gets the same grades as I do either.
A. How's your head feel? Not too bloated? (Affinity: -4) [ends]
B. They can't be as spectacular as you make them out to be...
Lysander: Ready for the exams?
Lysander: Ready for the exams?
A. I guess... I had forgotten that they were today, I spent all night studying.
Lysander: I forgot too. That was the one thing I was supposed to remember. Luckily Castiel reminded me before I went home.
A. He reminded you? He didn't say anything to me about them!
B. At least I'm not the only one. (Affinity: +0)
C. Nathaniel was the one who reminded me.
Lysander: "Nope."
Lysander: Nope.
A. So are you ready, did you get you get to study? (Affinity: +5) [ends]
B. Are you sure you're going to pass them then?
Nathaniel: "I've got some great news to tell you! According to Peggy, there's going to be an orienteering event at the high school!" (User-Initiated)

A. I've got some great news to tell you! According to Peggy, there's going to be an orienteering event at the high school!
Nathaniel: Peggy shouldn't be snooping like she does, that's supposed to be a surprise... I hope you haven't told too many people.
A. Oops, I ran into you too late, several people know already...
Nathaniel: Well anyway, if you hadn't told them, Peggy would have. It's a shame, the teachers had asked all the delegates to keep it a secret.
A. In any case, it's great! I can't wait!
Nathaniel: I'm glad you like the idea, it was a close vote, but it won in the end.
A. I would've preferred something else, but oh well. (Affinity: +6) [ends]
B. In any case, it's original for sure.
C. Do you know when it will be?
Castiel: "You'll never guess!" (User-Initiated)

A. You'll never guess!
Castiel: What?
A. Try to guess...
Castiel: No. Come on, spit it out!
A. The high school is going to have an orienteering event!
Castiel: Oh yeah? Try not to get lost, I don't want to have to come for you.
A. I have a great sense of direction!
B. The same goes for you! (Affinity: +0) [ends]
C. You're so funny...
Episode 8
❖Talk to Capucine, Iris, Lysander, Castiel, and Kim.
❖Find Iris to get the notes from Mr Faraize's class.
❖Find an empty room in the high school where you can study undisturbed.
❖Talk to (Boy) to make up for Amber's mischief, or act as if you know nothing.
❖Buy something to eat from the store and return to school to unblock a new objective.
❖Find Amber to get back what she stole.
❖Find a way to get Amber's cheat sheets. (Optional)
❖Ask your classmates to help you study.
❖Find the classroom where the exams take place. (In Classroom B, it is in Hall 2)
❖Take the exam. I see no point in giving the answers to the exam, they are fairly Google-able.
❖Find Iris to get the notes from Mr Faraize's class.
❖Find an empty room in the high school where you can study undisturbed.
❖Talk to (Boy) to make up for Amber's mischief, or act as if you know nothing.
❖Buy something to eat from the store and return to school to unblock a new objective.
❖Find Amber to get back what she stole.
❖Find a way to get Amber's cheat sheets. (Optional)
❖Ask your classmates to help you study.
❖Find the classroom where the exams take place. (In Classroom B, it is in Hall 2)
❖Take the exam. I see no point in giving the answers to the exam, they are fairly Google-able.
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